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  1. Michael S.

    Michael S. Porno Junky

    Jun 15, 2018
    I think a friend of mine and I were drugged at a party. I talked to some of the others that were
    there. Some agree and others think it was just too much alcohol. I don’t think it was strictly the
    alcohol. Everything seemed sexier and my inhibitions were lowered. Below is what I remembered along with a compilation of what others had told me plus some conjecture to tie things together. We think something was added to the food that affected all of us. Because of this there have been some life altering ramifications. You be the judge.

    A co-worker of mine, Sue, was having a small get together at her place, around a dozen people or so from what she was telling me. There would be a couple of people from work and a few of her
    friends. Everyone was asked to bring something small to add to the buffet she was going to put

    A colleague of mine, Michelle (I always called her Shelly), was also invited. I was talking to her at
    work about the upcoming party and offered to pick her up since she was on the way. We are pretty good friends outside of work. When my wife passed away a year ago, she was there to support me and a few months ago when she caught her boyfriend cheating, I lent her my shoulder to cry on. We aren’t a couple, but we are friends.

    So, Shelly wasn’t too sure about going. She is kind of like me, we don’t really socialize much. I guess we are a little on the shy side, her more so than I. But I talked to Shelly about going to the party and that it would be good for her to get out and meet a few other humans. Besides, I would be there and even stay at her side if she wanted. She finally agreed to go which is good for me because I didn’t want to be there without her to talk to.

    The evening of the party, I picked her up along with the quiche and peanut brittle that she had
    made. Mine was much simpler, fresh chocolate chip cookies and cheese cubes. She definitely
    dressed nicer than me. I also had a bottle of Frangelico.

    I had on dress pants and a polo but she had a nice button-down red dress that went to her knees. The buttons were on the front with only 2 undone at the top so she didn’t show any cleavage. Sometimes I wish she would show some, I think she is a D cup and it would be nice to see some more of her.

    When we got to the party, we were introduced to everyone. There were three couples and three
    single guys and three single girls plus us. A nice mix. I could tell that everyone was much more open and sociable than Shelly or I. We got some food and stayed to the side, listening, eating, and

    Someone had brought a big pot of meatballs. They were really good but had an odd spice in it that I wasn’t familiar with. Thinking about this now, I wonder if something wasn’t in the meatballs. Also, the brownies are suspect. But they were good, really good.

    After only a glass of wine for her and one and a half for me I had started to feel tipsier than I should. When I mentioned it to her, she said the same. I told her that I think that maybe because I was a little excited about the party and didn’t eat much that maybe that was what was working with the alcohol to make us tipsy and that maybe we should just eat a little more.

    We each had some more meatballs and brownies since they were so tasty. I commented out loud
    about it being warm. Shelly agreed and actually unbuttoned another button on her dress. For some reason I found this pretty hot. My eyes kept being drawn to her cleavage. Not that she really
    showed much, just a little more soft and rounded skin but it was affecting me. I caught myself
    staring a few times but I don’t think she noticed.

    I pulled my eyes away and tried to focus on others at the party. I noticed that it had gotten louder and more animated. One of the guys was talking loudly to another and kept daring him to take some kind of shot. He finally agreed to take one if everyone else would.

    Shelly and I didn’t know quite what was going on but all of us were ushered into the living room and a couple minutes later Sue’s husband came in with a tray of filled shot glasses. It appears that this shot was not manly enough for the one guy that was dared to take it. The drink was Bailey’s and Butterscotch schnaps and was called a Buttery Nipple.

    I don’t know why but I looked at the front of Shelly’s dress where her nipples would be and said that I didn’t understand, we are supposed to dip a nipple into this or what? That got a big laugh out of everyone including Shelly. Seriously, I don’t know what made me say that or look at her breasts when I said it.

    We all had the shot and I liked it. Not really strong but a lot of tasty flavor. It was a hit and the one guy, Steve, who did the original daring said that we are all dared again to take another shot. We laughed and did another. I think that might have been too much because I was feeling that one.

    Steve then wanted to keep the party going with everyone teaming up with another person and
    doing team dares. Everyone seemed ok with this but the two of us. We pulled Steve aside and told
    him that we would not partake in the dares since it felt like we had enough drinking for us for a little while. He told us not to worry and that he would make sure there would be no drinking until we told him and that the other dares would not be anywhere as difficult as it would be for some of the others.

    He told us that one of the couples, Eric and Tiff, were going to be his focus of the dares and that we should take a spot to his left and watch the show that would unfold. I looked at Shelly, she smiled at what he said then looked at me and nodded. I told her that I didn’t want to assume but was she going to be my partner. She laughed and said that I better not leave her side. It looks like someone was going to make sure we had some fun.

    We told Steve that it was a go. Everyone was stocking up on food and drinks first and we followed. More meatballs and brownies (they really were quite tasty which is why I think they had the drugs in them since we both ate so much of them as did the others). I just got both of us cokes so we wouldn’t drink so much.

    Steve skipped us to start and went to the next couple. It was a lot of fun. Some had to do shots, one couple had to French kiss, one couple had to toss meatballs to each other and catch them in their mouths. When it came to our turn Steve said that even though we weren’t really a couple we would make a cute couple so we should also French kiss for two minutes. Shelly and I looked at each other. She was blushing and I am sure I was too. The others were chanting “Kiss, Kiss, Kiss”. Shelly leaned in so did I and we kissed.

    It was a sweet kiss. She really has nice and soft lips and her tongue tasted delicious when she
    slipped it into my mouth. It seemed like only a few seconds when they told us to break it up or get a room. I noticed that I had an erection which I tried to cover up with my arm. I could see her nipples protruding a bit so I guess she like it too. I saw that she was smiling and I did see that she looked at my crotch. I am sure I blushed but I probably had a shit eating grin on my face as well.

    The game progressed and I could see some of the dares were getting a little more risqué with some
    groping and stuff. I wasn’t sure what I would do if they asked something like that. Kissing was one
    thing but … I don’t know.

    When it came to our turn again Steve told Shelly that she didn’t have to worry and that he was not
    going to have me touch her. I couldn’t tell if that was a look of relief or disappointment. Instead,
    she was to give me a fully clothed lap dance until it was our turn next. Shelly had a problem but it
    was not that she had to give one to me, it was that she didn’t know what to do.

    One of the girls that was with her husband said that she would show her. She told us that the best
    way was to strip while doing this but she would stay clothed. The girl then showed several moves
    that can be done along with what she can do with her hands and mouth if she wanted to do so. I
    think everyone really must have been feeling the drugs at this point. I know that I was turned on
    watching her and I am sure most of the other guys along with her husband were too.

    They started to play some music while I sat on a dining room chair with no arms and Shelly started to dance and sway in front of me. She slid her hands up and down the sides of her body. I was staring at her hands as she did that but when her hands were back up beside her breasts and she moved them away I then glanced at her face. She was staring at me and smiling. I guess that was a good sign so I continued to watch her.

    She got closer to me and then straddled my legs and sat on my lap. It was a little hard for her to do that in her buttoned dress but she pulled it up high and sat down. I was worried that she was going to sit on my hard on and freak out but she sat a little too low for that. Her body was rocking front to back like I could imagine she would if we were actually having sex. Her hands cupped her breasts and looked like she tried to tweak her nipples. Looking into her eyes I could see that they were glazed over and not too focused. I was worried that I would cum in my pants.

    I heard someone calling our names over and over again before Shelly snapped out of it and got off of me. She was blushing and asked if it was our turn already. I turned and looked at the group and noticed that most of them were looking at my crotch. I was afraid to look down.

    I also notice one couple just in their underwear so I can imagine what their dare was but I don’t
    know what else happened since I was so focused on Shelly.

    Just like last time Shelly was told that she didn’t have to worry about me touching her but she would definitely be touching me. I was told to remove my shirt and she was going to give me a massage but it was not my back that was being massaged. I was to lay down and she was going to straddle my hips and massage my chest. She unbuttoned several buttons at the bottom of her dress so she could sit better.

    So, I lied down and she straddled my hips and sat down. Right on top of my erection. I saw her
    smiling at me as she started to rub my shoulders. I looked down at where our crotches met and
    could see that her dress was pulled up and stretched out enough that her red panties were showing. I don’t know if it was possible but, I think I got harder looking at her panties as they slid over by hard dick. I could swear they looked wet as well.

    She slid her hands down and played with my nipples as she ground herself into me. I am guessing that the drugs were really working at this point even if we weren’t aware of them and we were both really horny whether we wanted to be or not.

    This round was over too fast as well. When she got off of me, I could definitely see a big wet spot on her panties. My pants were wet too but I don’t know if it was from her or me. She was smiling and seemed happy and not embarrassed by what she had done.

    I looked around and I saw a couple of people in their underwear and one girl was topless. She had really nice titties. I kind of wished I was watching what was going on in the game but I was too distracted. Oh, well.

    Steve told us that our next round will finally allow both of us to touch each other but not to worry, no one will see us. We were both to head to the bathroom and shave each other. Ummm, I looked at her and she was staring at me for a moment before she started to smile a little and did a quick nod of her head. Steve went with us and pulled out some scissors, razors, shaving cream, and skin cream. He told us to take as long as we need and will just skip our turn but we will have to prove to everyone that we are shaved but we don’t need to show anything to prove it. I wasn’t really paying attention to him since I was too busy thinking about what was about to happen.

    Steve closed the door behind him. I looked at Shelly and asked her how do we start. We decided to both just strip to start with and then go from there. I started to take my clothes off without bumping into her or staring at her. When I was down to my underwear (with a big wet patch up front) I looked over to her. She had just taken her bra off and was staring at my crotch. I noticed a big wet patch on her as well but I was busy looking at her perfect tits.

    She had really cute, hard, dark colored nipples. I like them like that. I figured I might as well take my underwear off when I noticed that she was taking hers off. We now stood in front of each other looking at everything. I could feel my cock bouncing with my heartbeat. She looked so pretty and I told her. I also told her that to shave her she didn’t need to take her bra off but I was happy that she did. She blushed.

    She said that she wanted to shave me first. She started by using the scissors and cutting the hair
    down close to the skin. I’ll admit it, I was nervous. I was sitting on the edge of the bathtub with my legs spread and she was kneeling in front of me. She had to keep grabbing my dick and pulling it to one side or another so it stayed out of her way. I don’t know how she did it but she managed to shave my balls as well.

    It wasn’t too long but when she finished, she got the skin cream and rubbed it all over the shaved
    area. While she was bent over fondling my balls, she lowered her head and slipped my dick into her mouth. Almost immediately I came inside her hot mouth. I heard her gag a little but I couldn’t help it. I was not expecting this but I wasn’t stopping it either. She managed to swallow it all. She sat up a little and kissed me. I could taste my cum in her mouth.

    We switched places. She must trim her hair since I didn’t need to use the scissors much. It was
    interesting to shave her. Up above her pussy was pretty easy but around it was a little tough. I
    found the best way was to just grab a hold of her lips with two fingers and pull them tight. I ignored her moaning while wondering if I was moaning when she did me. When I finished, I used the cream on her as well. Rubbing it all around marvelling at how smooth it felt. Then I leaned in and started to lick her clit. She moaned out loud and wrapped her legs around my head and came right away like I did. When she finished, I also gave her a big kiss knowing that she could taste her juices on me.

    We got dressed and went back to where everyone one else was and was amazed at what we saw.
    One guy was in his underwear but everyone else was naked watching Eric and Tiff in a 69. I never
    watched someone in real life having sex. I whispered that to Shelly and she said she never saw that either. My dick was rock hard again watching them.

    When they finished Steve said that we had to prove to each of them that we were both shaved. The way he wanted this done was for us to stand up and then everyone would form a line and one by one they would slip their hand in our clothing and feel how smooth of a job we did. Both guys and girls were touched each of us.

    I think we were both too horny still to care so we stood there while they all took turns touching each of us. My belt was unbuckled and my pants unsnapped for better access as the slipped their hands in feeling how smooth I was. They slid lower to feel my balls and then they would pull on my dick for a couple of strokes. I was surprised I didn’t cum again. I looked over at Shelly and it looked like she could hardly stand as they touched her.

    When the last one was done, we were told that we had to do each other as well so I reached into the
    opening in her dress at the same time she slipped down my pants. She immediately started to
    stroke me while I finger fucked her. We held on to each other and started to kiss. After a moment
    they broke us up so we could continue the game. I couldn’t believe that we were just doing that in
    front of everyone.

    We were told that since we missed so many of our turns while we were playing with each other in the bathroom it would be our turn next. Steve said that since it looked like we had such fun doing the lap dance we should do it again but it wasn’t fair that we had so many cloths on while almost everyone else was naked. For our lap dance we both had to be naked but I still wasn’t allowed to touch her.

    We stripped without really worrying about it because we were both watching each other. I sat down and someone started to play some music. Shelly got right into the dancing but this time I could watch her hands play with her body. She would slide her hands around and tweak her nipples. She dipped her finger into her pussy and then licked it off while staring into my eyes. I almost came again.

    She sat on my lap swaying to the beat. Her hands would grab her tits as she slid forward and back.
    Her pussy would rub along the bottom of my dick that was sticking up. She stood up a little and
    rubbed her nipples across my lips. I opened up and licked when she did that. She sat back down on my lap being careful that I did not penetrate her.

    It felt like this only took about two minutes but the group said it was our turn again. I was close to cumming with her rubbing her hot wet pussy along my dick. I wish she slid up further and I slipped inside. I was hot and horny and wanted to fuck her in the worst way.

    This time Steve said to stay in the same position with only one slight change, we are to actually fuck but I am not allowed to cum in her. We were only to do this until our next turn. Shelly didn’t say a thing except to stand up a little and then sit back down with me in her. God, she felt so hot and wet.

    She too told me not to cum in her or she would get pregnant. She was pretty much at the peak of
    her time she said. Ugggg, I don’t know how much longer I could last.

    I barely was aware of what was going on in the game at this point. I do remember someone feeling my balls at one point and one of the couples sucked on her nipples at the same time. That was pretty sexy looking and she seemed to like it. I don’t know how I lasted without coming but I did.

    When our turn came up again, we were told to change positions with her lying back on the coffee table and me kneeling and fucking her. I had her positioned with her ass hanging a little over the edge. I started to fuck her and I would bend over and suck her nipples. It didn’t occur to either of us that we were doing this in front of everyone and they were starting to touch our bodies as we fucked.

    I heard Steve talking to Eric and Tiff. He was telling them to use some kind of special tool for a
    prostate massage, whatever that was, and she was to keep both of our mouths busy so we couldn’t talk. Their job was to get me to orgasm before it was our turn again. This, of course, didn’t sink in to my mind in the condition I was in.

    Tiff got on the coffee table and straddled Shelly’s head. I couldn’t believe it when I saw Shelly hold
    on to Tiff’s thighs and start to lick her pussy. It was so hot to watch that. Tiff leaned over and
    started to French kiss me and play with my nipples. She was a great kisser.

    I felt a finger slide into my ass. This was a new feeling but it was a good feeling. Quickly a second
    and third finger went in. Then I felt something larger go in and I knew that it was Eric’s cock in me.

    On his first stroke where he went all the way inside and I blasted into Shelly’s unprotected pussy. A loud moan from me was the only indication but this didn’t stop anything else.
    I was still hard as Eric started to fuck my ass. I was expecting it to hurt but it really didn’t. Maybe because I was so hot and horny. I know that Shelly had a couple orgasms as well as Tiff. I was playing with her nipples, pulling and tweaking them as Eric plunged deep into me which caused me to continue to fuck Shelly.

    I came in her again. This must have squeezed my asshole tight and caused Eric to cum inside me. I
    think the girls got off again but it was hard to tell with what was happening. Eric pulled out and Tiff climbed off the table. I was exhausted and just laid on the floor. Shelly slid off the table and laid down with me snuggling.

    After that we apparently fell asleep. I remember waking up under a light blanket with her in my
    arms. I didn’t quiet remember everything but I realized that we were naked. My jerking away from her when I saw this caused her to wake up and realize the same thing. Things started to come together now that we were sober and we remember having sex. Incredible sex. I also remember cumming in her so I apologized, not knowing what else to do.

    We talked some more and started to get horny. Since we were naked and obviously already had sex together it was less awkward for us then it would have been and we ended up making love. It was gentler and more caring than last night and we were both satisfied. Again, I came in her and apologized. It hadn’t occurred to me to pull out at the time. I was not used to bareback sex but I am definitely loving it.

    A week or so afterwards, we had talked to some of the others and have come to the conclusion that I mentioned earlier. It is kind of hard to be angry about it since it got Shelly and I together. After a month we are now a couple and we do have sex regularly but with a condom. She was going to go on the pill but found out it is too late and she is pregnant. At least we don’t have to worry about condoms any more.
    • Like Like x 10
    • Winner Winner x 7
    1. majorripples81
      Good story
      majorripples81, Sep 7, 2023
  2. smokie617

    smokie617 Porn Star

    Mar 27, 2011
    I had a very similar experience when I was in high school.
    • Like Like x 1
    1. lynnnlfb
      Would love to hear the story.
      lynnnlfb, Feb 14, 2021
  3. Hefterislive

    Hefterislive Porn Surfer

    Jan 15, 2021
    Great story, True of fiction i hope the story continues either way
    • Like Like x 1
    • Winner Winner x 1
    1. lynnnlfb
      I second your hope
      lynnnlfb, Feb 14, 2021
  4. DirtyCat

    DirtyCat Porn Surfer

    Feb 2, 2021
    Very hot story
  5. Georgewhatever

    Georgewhatever Porno Junky

    Oct 20, 2020
    Soo hot
  6. lynnnlfb

    lynnnlfb Sex Machine

    Jan 23, 2021
    Michael S. Thank you for sharing. I really love your story. I have to admit I do not think people should ever be drugged to do something. In this case, if you found Love, then I do not know if I can condemn it for you, but how do the others feel? If anyone has any guilt feelings, was it ok to drug them? But I really do love your story.
    • Like Like x 1
  7. speakeasy

    speakeasy Advocate

    Aug 15, 2007
    Not drugged or anything but Nina had an adventure during a "girls night out" that started with a game of "truth or dare" that soon turned into just dares.
    It quickly escalated when one decided to get "revenge" on another who had dared her to do something a little more daring that she was comfortable with.
    From then on out it quickly got out of hand.
  8. roxan brown

    roxan brown Porn Star

    Sep 7, 2017
    Very nice
  9. Michael S.

    Michael S. Porno Junky

    Jun 15, 2018
    Thank you. By the way you have some really hot photos.
  10. ozary

    ozary Newcumer

    Jun 9, 2020
    Very hot
  11. speedfukr

    speedfukr Porn Surfer

    Apr 17, 2019
    i also really liked your story. i dont agree with using drugs to get sex from innocent people but i regularly share my drugs with women that i know to be single and also know are themselves users in the hopes that it will lead to mutually consentual sex and when it does it is often very satisfying for both of us. several of my playmates have come back to me later to request some more playtime with them.
  12. neptunes

    neptunes Porno Junky

    Apr 28, 2023
    Mmmmm I would like to go to that party
  13. hornytxn

    hornytxn Porn Star

    May 5, 2021
    Great story
  14. catherineadams

    catherineadams Newcumer

    Sep 2, 2023
    Nicely written.