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How to schedule a Zoom meeting in advance to organize your calendar

man and dog at home video chatting conference call virtual
Zoom lets you schedule video calls in advance from any device. Alistair Berg/Getty Images
  • You can schedule a Zoom meeting on the website, desktop app, or mobile app.
  • As you set up your Zoom meeting, you can customize the time, date, topic, and privacy settings.
  • Once scheduled, you can share the meeting invite via text, email, and more. 

Zoom meetings can be used for a variety of things: catching up with friends and family, teaching a virtual class, a job interview, and more. 

You can start a meeting on the fly, but you can also schedule one in advance, add it to your calendar, and invite attendees so when the meeting time rolls around, all you have to do is click the meeting link.

The process for scheduling a Zoom meeting is similar whether you're doing it on the Zoom website, desktop app, or mobile app. Here's everything you need to know.

How to schedule a Zoom meeting

You can set up a Zoom meeting on the website, desktop app, or mobile app. 

On the website

1. Head to the Zoom website, and sign into your account.

2. Once logged in, click My Account in the top-right corner of the homepage.

Zoom homepage with My Account highlighted with a box and arrow.
If you don’t have the Zoom app downloaded on your computer, you can use the website to schedule a meeting. Abigail Abesamis Demarest

3. Click Schedule in the top-right corner. This will open a form where you can fill out the meeting topic and description, as well as set the date and time.

You'll also have the option to schedule it as a recurring meeting. Edit all of the details and when you're done, scroll to the bottom and click the Save button.

Zoom Schedule Meeting menu with save button highlighted with a box and arrow.
For an in-depth explanation of each of the meeting settings, read the last section of this article. Abigail Abesamis Demarest

4. On the next page, you have the option to add the meeting to your Google Calendar, Outlook Calendar, or Yahoo Calendar. Or, you can copy the invitation link and share it with your guests.

Zoom Manage Meeting menu with calendar buttons highlighted with a box and arrow.
Add attendees via a calendar invitation, or copy the invite link to share it over email or text. Abigail Abesamis Demarest

On the desktop app

1. Open the Zoom desktop app on your computer and sign in, if you're not already.

2. On the Home tab, click the Schedule button. Alternatively, you can schedule a new meeting by clicking the small plus "+" sign icon in the Meetings tab.

Zoom desktop app home tab with schedule button highlighted with a box and arrow.
You can also start a new meeting, join an existing meeting, and view a list of scheduled meetings in this tab. Abigail Abesamis Demarest

3. In the pop-up window, enter the meeting name, date, and time. 

4. Choose your Video, Calendar, and Security settings. In the Advanced Options section, you can choose additional settings, like muting participants as soon as they enter the meeting.

5. Click the blue Save button when you're done. Your scheduled meetings will appear on the right side of the Home tab. You can also view your scheduled meetings in the Meetings tab of the app.

Zoom desktop app schedule meeting pop-up with save button highlighted with a box and arrow.
Like the Zoom website, the Zoom app offers several options to customize your meeting. Abigail Abesamis Demarest
Google Calendar pop-up with information on scheduled Zoom meeting and link to join.
Add the meeting to your calendar and invite guests in one step. Abigail Abesamis Demarest

On the mobile app

1. Open the Zoom app on your mobile device.

2. On the Meet & Chat tab, tap the Schedule button at the top of the screen.

Zoom mobile app Meet & Chat tab with schedule button highlighted with a box and arrow.
Similar to the desktop app, you can also start a new meeting, join an existing meeting, and view a list of scheduled meetings in this tab. Abigail Abesamis Demarest

3. Enter the meeting name and set the  date and time. You can choose additional settings like Enable Waiting Room and Require Meeting Passcode. Tap Save in the top-right corner when you're done.

Zoom mobile app schedule meeting pop-up with save button highlighted with a box and arrow.
Tap to turn settings like “Require Meeting Passcode” and “Enable Waiting Room” off and on. Abigail Abesamis Demarest

4. Zoom will automatically open an email to share your meeting invitation. Enter in the email addresses of people you want to invite, then click the up arrow to send. 

Another way to share the meeting invitation is to go to the Meetings tab and select the meeting you've just scheduled. Tap Add invitees, then select Send Message, Send Email, or Copy to Clipboard.

Zoom meeting settings

You can customize a number of Zoom meeting settings when you schedule it. 

Topic: By default, Zoom will set the topic as [Your Name]'s Zoom Meeting, but you can change it to more accurately describe what will be discussed. Is it a catchup between friends? A weekly progress meeting with your team? Choose something descriptive so that coordinating calendar reminders will let attendees know the general subject of the meeting at a glance.

Date & Time: Here, you can schedule exactly when the meeting starts and ends. Click the box next to Recurring meeting for Zoom meetings that happen at a similar time and date every week. Note that Zoom meetings are created in your time zone, and for anyone that adds the meeting to their calendar the time will automatically be adjusted to their time zone.

Meeting ID: You can have Zoom generate a unique meeting ID (which is deleted after the meeting ends) or you can use your Personal Meeting ID. Zoom notes that your Personal Meeting ID is a virtual meeting room that's always resolved for you. It's ideal for people you meet with regularly, once someone has a link to your Personal Meeting ID they can join any time the meeting is being used.

Passcode: This security setting helps to ensure that only intended guests can access your meeting. Zoom will automatically generate a passcode of random numbers or letters, but you can change it to something that's easier to remember.

Waiting Room: Another security setting, this one requires the host to admit users one by one to the meeting.

Video: Select on or off for the host and participants to determine whether or not their video feed will be turned on when joining. If you choose on, the host and participants can still choose to turn off their video feed, and vice versa.

Audio: You can allow users to call into the Zoom meeting using Telephone only, Computer Audio only, Both, or 3rd Party Audio.

Calendar: Choose iCal, Google Calendar, or Other Calendars to add the Zoom meeting to your calendar and send invitations.

Advanced Options: Pretty self-explanatory, advanced options will vary depending on the type of Zoom account you have. They can include allowing participants to join at anytime, muting participants upon entering the meeting, and automatically recording the meeting on the local computer.

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