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The French police are looking for a woman that caused a multiple accident on stage 1 of the Tour de France 2021 last Saturday.
The woman, with a sign that read "Allez Opi-Omi", which translates to "Let's go, grandfather and grandmother" (The first word is written in French and the next two in German), decided to invade the road when the bikers were approaching, causing cyclist Tony Martin, who was second, to collide with the sign. This caused a multiple fall where dozens of runners were involved.
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A man with a parachute broke yesterday into the beginning of the Eurocup match between Germany and France and almost screwed everything. Apparently it was a Greenpeace activist, with a message on the parachute saying "kick out oil" as a way to protest against Volkswagen, official sponsor of this European Championship.
Upon entering the stadium, he hit one of the cables that crossed the venue, which made him lose control and almost crash into the stands, where the audience was sitting quietly.
When you were looking for a good photo and you end up looking for the camera.
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The main benefit of using ankle weights is increasing muscle mass in the legs and gaining strength in the quadriceps and hamstrings. They are designed to add weight to your body, creating additional resistance and increasing the difficulty of the exercises.
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Why are you laughing? We don't come here to laugh. Guys, we're here to work, to make a big effort, to improve ourselves, to overcome our limits and make them shit with fear. You can leave your chuckles at home, boy.
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One must be prepared for when the time comes. You don't know when the moment will arrive, let alone knowing with whom or where it will happen, but you know that when an amazing weekend arrives, you are going to be up to the task.
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The first known parachute attempt took place in Córdoba (Spain) in 852 AD, but it was not until 1797, thanks to the Frenchman Jacques Garnerin, that jumps from a hydrogen balloon at 350 m altitude could actually be witnessed in Paris.
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Spinning or indoor cycling is a physical activity, in most cases collective, which is performed on a stationary bike to the rhythm of music. This sport presents an important cardiovascular effort, where the muscle groups of the lower body are worked very hard.
Spinning at very intense levels can be harmful to people with little training or poor physical condition.
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This can only come from cold mother Russia. Regball is a hybrid between longtime basketball and wrestling. Let's just say that a kick in the nuts is a low threshold for what the referee considers a foul. If you want to listen to that whistle, it has to be something much worse.
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Something happened in that fight, something that only he knows. Despite his promising career, despite his university scholarship and the future that laid ahead, he decided to quit wrestling. His parents didn't quite understand his decision but they noticed that something had changed in him - Son, it's just a defeat, you're still the first in the ranking - Nothing made him change his mind and he never wanted to talk about it again.
ExtraBall by walter
The next time is on the house.
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